School Brochure
The Happy Valley School is an innovative school conceptualized by joint efforts between Chirantana and N. R. Baldota foundation - a Philanthropic foundation focusing on education. Our school aspires to provide quality education at an affordable price to every child. We focus on providing individual attention to every child to enhance the learning potential. We have a strong curriculum and passionate team to support our vision.
A school with a difference –Where Knowledge meets Success
State –of-the-art Infrastructure.
Modern teaching aids equipped with SMART Class.
Emphasis on physical, emotional and moral development of the child.
Computer aided learning.
Innovative activity rooms for Art & Craft, music and Dance.
Indoor and outdoor games.
Transport facility.

Message From Chairman
Madan N.Baldota is the Managing Trustee of N. R. Baldota Foundation, a family trust established in the name of his father. A family foundation established several decades ago in the name of Late Sri. N. R. Baldota. The foundation focuses on educational services and multiple philanthropic activities including educational assistance to several thousand children. Late Sri. N. R. Baldota was a philanthropic visionary and a successful entrepreneur. Even though he did not have formal education, he was very passionate about it. Providing quality and affordable education was his ambition. Through The Happy Valley School, Madan Baldota, son of Late Sri N. R. Baldota is making his father's vision a reality.

Mr.Madan Baldota
ChairmanMessage From Principal
Dear Parents,
The greatest gift you can ever give your child is education. Knowledge is power and the power that can never be taken away from a person. The process of learning is an everyday and ongoing process which can happen at any age.
The structured learning process that has been happening over the years has now been metamorphosed into a more flexible experience that works on the basis of aptitude of the child.
This is exactly what “Inspired Learning” is all about educating child with a view to make the child excel in a field he or she has a natural flair for, is all about the New Education Policy 2020. Unless there is on inspiration attached to the teaching and learning process, there can never be a lighting of the spark in the child. To achieve this level of learning, it is utmost necessary to have a tripartite arrangement of working between child, parent and school. We at THVS believe in this teamwork and are determined to work towards the complete enlightenment of the learner to face the challenges of tomorrow.

Mrs.Priya Simon George
PrincipalOur Core Values
Our Vision: Our vision is to prepare our students to be global citizen by helping them progress holistically, there by adding them to achieve their maximum potential in an engaging and challenging learning environment.
Our Mission: We at We at “The Happy Valley School” prepare our students to become 21st century citizens by providing them with meaningful learning experiences in a safe and secure environment. Our mission is to develop the intellectual aesthetic, moral, physical, social and psychological potential of students. by
Integrity: I will stay true to myself and let honesty lead my way.
Responsibility I am responsible for my actions.
Collaboration: I appreciate diversity in thought, belief and culture.
Service: pledge to serve the community.
Persistence: will never give up.
Kindness: I will be kind to everyone.
Conflict Resolution: I resolve every conflict while being empathetic and respectful towards my fellow being.
Statement of Intent For The Curriculum
Our children are encouraged to be creative and therefore every opportunity is taken to develop their confidence, knowledge, self-esteem and life skills through technology, physical education and the creative and performing arts.
The Curriculum
We provide education with an objective to empower students to make decisions, to find creative solutions and plan effective action strategies. The curriculum is structured in a manner that keeps your child in touch with the ever changing world trends, right from the junior level to the senior level. We constantly revamp, reinvent and evaluate the classroom and teaching strategy to create the most appropriate education that your child deserves. The study programme for all learning levels is unique because it is a blend of the finest teaching methodologies
The Faculty
We believe that a committed and knowledgeable faculty is the backbone of successful delivery of education to children. Our school is led by an extremely talented team of teachers and talent is not the only attribute they possess. Each one of our teachers have an innate passion, not just to teach, but also to learn. Our teachers are experts in their fields by way of knowledge, flexibility, commitment and motivational skills and they realize this passion by engaging with the young people. Being with them, living their lives, understanding them, before making them understand the lessons of life. The school also believes in developing its teachers and encouraging them to enhance their skills. The school regularly conducts training and professional support workshops.

Life Skills Educations
Living beyond books
In everyday life, the development of life skills helps students to: Find new ways of thinking and problem solving. Recognize the impact of their actions and teaches them to take responsibility for what they do. Build confidence both in spoken skills and for group collaboration and cooperation.
Role Play
Story telling
Songs and dances
Case studies
The Campus
The school has an idyllic, spacious campus designed to provide holistic school education. Its serene location, secure environment, aesthetic infrastructure and complementing ambience makes it an ideal setting to acquire knowledge. The school facilities are designed to comprise of:
Modern Classrooms
Well equipped Library
Science labs - Physics, Chemistry & Biology
Computer Lab
Math Lab
Kids Activity Room
Indoor Sports Room
Audio Visual Room
Basketball Court
Indoor Sports Room
Playfield & Tracks
Children’s Play Area
Transport Facility
Dance, Music, Art & Crafts Room AI
AI as a skill subject
For true integrated growth to take place, our children’s physical and mental self must be systematically developed. The curriculum is designed according to the needs of the different age groups. Team accomplishments complement individual goals for excellence. Gradually, skills of play and precision with mastery assume greater significance for students.
Artificial Intelligence
Data Analysis