Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
The greatest gift you can ever give your child is education. Knowledge is power and the power that can never be taken away from a person. The process of learning is an everyday and ongoing process which can happen at any age.
The structured learning process that has been happening over the years has now been metamorphosed into a more flexible experience that works on the basis of aptitude of the child.
This is exactly what “Inspired Learning” is all about educating child with a view to make the child excel in a field he or she has a natural flair for, is all about the New Education Policy 2020. Unless there is on inspiration attached to the teaching and learning process, there can never be a lighting of the spark in the child. To achieve this level of learning, it is utmost necessary to have a tripartite arrangement of working between child, parent and school. We at THVS believe in this teamwork and are determined to work towards the complete enlightenment of the learner to face the challenges of tomorrow.